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Get Paid Money
Friday, September 17, 2004
Earn money by surfing the Internet and reading emails


Thursday, September 16, 2004
How To Use Viral Marketing Tools To Explode Your Ezine Subscriber List!
I'm sure that most online marketers agree that successful online businesses revolve around a large list of hungry subscribers. In today's Internet business environment, if you aren't reminding people you still exist your business will stagnate and die!

So how do you let both potential and current subscribers know that you still exist? I believe that Viral Marketing Techniques and Tools are the key to your future dreams of a profit filled future.

The correct use of Viral Marketing has lead to huge online businesses! Everyone has heard of the Hotmail example. That one little snippet, "Get your free email at", on every outbound email lead to 12 million subscribers in 1.5 years! What's even more amazing is that Hotmail reportedly spent less than $500,000 on marketing and promotion!

Ok, I know what you're thinking. How is this going to help me? Don't worry, I'll explain in the rest of this informative article. :o)

I believe your entire online marketing success depends on your ability to gain new ezine subscribers to your own opt-in only ezine or newsletter list.

A Huge list of ezine subscribers = A Huge explosion of online business profits!

This is the basic formula for ezine subscriber list success.

The easiest way to grow your ezine subscriber list is by using viral marketing tools.

In other words, if you give away free eBooks and e-Reports, they should be Viral in nature.

Here's a basic viral example:

Let's suppose that you have an opt-in ezine list related to eBook Marketing. Your subscribers are most likely looking for eBook writing and marketing tips. You could offer them a free eBook on "How to Submit Your eBook to the Best eBook Directories on the Internet!" On each page of the eBook, add a highly visible website link to your ezine's subscribe webpage. Here's an example ad and link I've used for my Profits Explosion Ezine:

Everything You Need To Develop A Full-time Income Online! Plus, subscribe today and you'll receive Over 20 up-to-date eBooks on Internet and eBook Marketing!

Subscribe today at:

Then offer your eBook to your existing ezine subscribers first. (I always give my subscribers first dibs on everything I create or offer) :o) Also, let everyone know that they can give away your eBook to their website visitors, friends, family, and their own ezine subscriber list!

After a couple weeks of downloads, your eBook will start to deliver quality, targeted subscribers to your ezine and website.

And here's a viral example on steriods:

While creating your eBook, add affiliate links to your affiliate program's products or other affiliate program's products. This creates an additional incentive for people to pass the eBook around because now they can make money. Internet Marketing expert, Jimmy D. Brown, has created a huge

successful online business with the brandible eBooks he offers!

In this example, you have your ezine subscription webpage links on every page and eBook readers have an additional monetary incentive to offer your eBook to others! That's Viral Marketing in it's truest form!

About the Author:
Bret Forster has been doing business on-line for over 4 years. His website, The Web Profits Center at , provides resources and tips to help Internet and Home-based Entrepreneurs develop a Full-time Income on-line! Subscribe to his Profits Explosion Ezine by emailing and get Over 20 Internet Marketing eBooks!

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